The Swiss-MIS Masterclass in Robotic Surgery

A hands-on experience 

In tradition of the much appreciated hands-on Masterclasses of the Swiss-MIS, we are organising in 2024 a Masterclass in Robotic Surgery for the second time in collaboration with Intuitive Inc. we launch this year a new Masterclass in robotic surgery.

The selected fellow will go through an accelerated multi­modal training program that takes her/him step to step from the level of inexperience to performing hands on robotic surgery with a specialist surgeon.

We offer for 3 candidates a Masterclass with 4 consecutive training modules:

  1. online course Intuitive Learning, approx. 3-4 hrs
  2. onsite (at your hospital) training with Intuitive
    a. Technical system-training, approx. 6 hrs
    b. SimNow simulation skills, >30 hrs
  3. Wet lab training module with proctor in Bern (date to be announced soon)
  4. 2-3 days of hands on surgery (double console with proctor)

The ideal candidate works in a hospital where a Da Vinci® system is /will be soon available, and will be part of the local robotic surgery program. He/she must have at least 3 years of surgical training and experience in laparoscopy (>30 cholecystectomies, >15 laparoscopic hernia surgeries). The clinic must also have access to a da Vinci simulator to allow for practice sessions as part of the preparation work.

Applications should be submitted to:

  • Motivation letter
  • CV
  • Letter from medical director testifying that
    • You can leave the clinic for the required 2+3 days of training
    • You will be part of the local robotic surgery program
    • You have the necessary surgical experience to perform a cholecystectomy / laparoscopic hernia repair autonomously
  • Swiss-MIS membership (or application for)

Travel and housing expenses are reimbursed by the Swiss-MIS for up to CHF 1’500/ fellow.

Applications should be submitted to
PD med. Dr. Heidi Misteli
Spital Uster
Brunnenstrasse 42
8610 Uster

Deadline is 30th June 2025.

For any further information contact Dr. Heidi Misteli at
T +41 44 911 14 35 or write an e-mail