Expert Overview

Prof. Dr. med. Robert Rosenberg Kantonsspital Baselland Liestal

Name Prof. Dr. med. Robert Rosenberg
Institution / Location Kantonsspital Baselland Liestal
Areas of Expertise Laparoscopic hernia surgery Robotic hernia surgery Antireflux surgery Colorectal surgery
Techniques TEP rTAPP laparoscopic and/or robotic left hemicolectomy with CME laparoscopic right hemicolectomy with CME robotic right hemicolectomy with CME laparoscopic LAR and TME robotic LAR and TME laparoscopic and/or robotic resection for IBD and diverticular disease Repair for large PE-Hernia Nissen-Fundoplication Toupet-Fundoplication
Prof. Dr. med. Robert Rosenberg
Specialist in Surgery / Visceral Surgery (DE) / FACS / FEBS, EBSQ Surgical Oncology / EMBA in Medical Management
Head of Surgery & Visceral Surgery Clinic
Head of Abdominal Center, Head of Colorectal Cancer Center

Kantonsspital Baselland Liestal

Rheinstrasse 26
4410 Liestal