Cours de base de laparoscopie

Organizing Institution CHUV, Lausanne
Location CHUV
Date,Time 29/06/2020 - 01/07/2020, Ganztägig
Usual Date and Duration 2,5 days
Organizing Surgeon Dr Emilie Uldry & Dr Daniel Clerc
Hours Theoretical Lessons 9
Content Theory Basics in material for laparoscopy: laparoscopic tower, electrocautery, advanced coagulation, staplers, trocars, … Lectures: “how I do it” on basic procedures in abdominal laparoscopic surgery (appendectomy, hernia, colonic resection, anesthesia, …)
Hours hands-on practice 12
Skills Level Beginner
Teaching Material Simulator, Pelvitrainer simple gadgets/artificial organs, true organs (pig liver + gallbladder)
Other: Dry lab for use of staplers, trocars, clippers, cautery, harmonic scalpel…
Types of excercises Laparoscopic navigation, trocar placement, cholecystectomy, appendectomy, laparoscopic suturing
Max Participants 12-15
Usual Requests for participating more to the available slots
Total Teachers 20 (including 6 speakers from industry, 8 speakers, 6 instructors)
Participants per Teacher 2–3
Participants per Station 2–3
Course Fee CHF 500,-
Sponsors Medtronic / J&J / Treier / Applied / Wolf / Microline
Registration Link

Course running for almost 15 years

Rue du Bugnon 46
1011 Lausanne

Cours de base de laparoscopie