Corso di formazione, Laparoscopia gastrointestinale

Organizing Institution Aula Magna
Location Ospedale Regionale di Lugano Civico, Servizio di Chirurgia
Date,Time 04/09/2023, 11:00 - 18:00
Usual Date and Duration 1 Day
Organizing Surgeon Dr.ssa med. Barbara Pravini
Prof. D. Christoforidis
Hours Theoretical Lessons 1h
Content Theory Laparoscopic tour, instruments
Hours hands-on practice 7 h
Skills Level Beginner/Intermediate
(at least 1 year of experience)
Teaching Material Pelvitrainer simple gadgets, true organs (pig)
Types of excercises Cholecystectomy, gastric sutures, gastro-enteroanastomosis, colorectal anastomosis
Max Participants 12
Usual Requests for participating more to the available slots
Total Teachers 4โ€“5
Participants per Teacher 2
Participants per Station 2
Course Fee free
Sponsors Anklin ยท Medtronic
Registration Email

Lunch and coffee breaks included
Akkreditierung: SGC 7 Credits

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Ospedale Regionale di Lugano Civico, Servizio di Chirurgia
Via Tesserete 46
6900 Lugano

Corso di formazione, Laparoscopia gastrointestinale