18th Tripartite Meeting in Minimal Invasive Surgery (Dreiländertreffen)

Organizing Institution The Minimal Invasive Surgery Associations of Switzerland (Swiss-MIS, former SALTC), Germany (DGAV-CAMIC) and Austria (AMIC)
Location Starling Hotel
Date,Time 27/02/2020 - 28/02/2020, Ganztägig
Usual Date and Duration Two Days

In association with the 28th Symposium of the Association Suisse Romande de Chirurgie Coelioscopique (ASRCC)
Guest MIS Society: Société Française de Chirurgie Endoscopique (SFCE)

Program Highlights:

  • flash sessions on novelties in all disciplines of minimal invasive surgery
  • updates and state of the art lectures by international eminent speakers
  • 4 nations-expert panel discussion of clinical cases with interactive audience voting system
  • keynote lectures on hot topics in surgery
  • best minimal inva­­­sive surgery video competition: presentations & prizes
Starling Hotel
Route François-Peyrot 34
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex

18th Tripartite Meeting in Minimal Invasive Surgery (Dreiländertreffen)